
Unless you are standing at mile 26 or 26.1, please do not hold a sign saying "YOU'RE ALMOST THERE"!
(S)miles ahead put the worries behind.
London Marathon....26.2 miles. Bring it on, I'm ready now.
Being on social media may waste my time but at least it also makes me angry and  increases my chances  to go for a run
Kinda wanna run a mile,  kinda wanna eat 10 Tacos...
What I love most about running is walking the whole time.
I wish retail therapy was covered by  my health insurance.
She believed she could... but she was really tired. So she didn't.
TYPES OR RUNNING INJURIES • 1% fell down or turned my ankle • 99% I feel unusually good I'm going to run a little longer and maybe run  a little faster. Wow I feel grrreat  WTF?? NOOOO, I OVER DID IT
For runners, Sunday is a day of rest... The rest of the laundry, the rest of the house work and the  rest of all the other stuff we can't be  bothered to do during  weekdays.
For run streakers, Global Running Day is like Groundhog Day - we
Sometimes, it isn't so bad to rack up  a lot of mileage during your life.
Celebrate Global Running Day by  baking a cake, writing ILOVETORUN  on it with icing, then eating the whole thing with your hands.
RUNNING. Cheaper than therapy.
My fitness goal is to get down to  what I told the DMW I weigh.
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