
I hate it when I think I'm buying  ORGANIC vegetables, but when I get home they're just REGULAR donuts.
Wave your hands in the air like you don't care!
Everything you ever wanted to know  about yourself, you can learn in  26.2 miles
You know you're a runner when...  You don't drink, you hydrate.  You don't eat, you carb up.  You don't rest, you taper.  You don't work out,  you train. Foam  roll is a verb.
My post-marathon needs:  Channing Tatum to bring me water,  Ryan Gosling to wrap me in a space blanket, and  Andre the Giant  to carry me to the car.
What do I think about when I run? Sometimes I fantasize about a world where I'm in charge, chocolate makes you skinny, and everything is  always 80% off.
I ran... and my house is clean.  One of these is a lie.
Running Shoes: buy us Me: yes master
I fall in love with people's passion for running, the way their eyes light up  when they talk about the thing they love & the way they fill with light
I workout because it's good for me. Also, because I like to eat. A lot.
A true running friend waits for you  when you need to take a dump mid-run
In desperate need of a full body  massage, 4 days of sleep and a trip to the Bahamas.
You people who have just        one glass of wine...          What's that like?
ULTRAS. Where 10k's are just aid stations.
My favorite exercise is a cross  between a lunge and a crunch... I call it lunch.
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