
Not sure if I'm getting faster or just more confident!
Me *after a long run or race* :  don't ask me to change positions, just toss me around
How far will I run today? Far enough to deserve this  many cupcakes!!
RUNNERS. Self diagnosing since The Internet.
You might be a runner if you can run at just about anytime, but somehow never have the energy to fold a load of laundry!
Other girls:  "Some days I just forget  to eat all day" Me:  "Some days I just eat all day"
My 'alone' time is sometimes for your safety.
A 12 min mile is JUST AS FAR as  a 6 min mile. Fuck everyone who makes  you feel like you're not good enough
Not sure if I'm out of shape...  or I just suck.
Ryan O’Brien: “I don't wanna say I'm better than these runners… but I am  faster than they are, so draw your  own conclusions.”
Let's face it... After Monday and Tuesday, even the calendar says W T F!
Depresso...  the feeling i get when  i run out of coffee.
I wish menus would list mile equivalents rather than calories.  Like, if you eat that cheesecake,  go ahead and add another  10 miles to your run.
if I get back into running it's over. i don't know what's over, but something is
I find myself drawn to people who are funny, intelligent, and twisted.  Bonus points for working  some sexual innuendos  into the conversation
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