
Aging is not a disease. It's an opportunity.... to qualify for Boston
People get confused when converting kilometers to miles. It's simple. Take the distance you want to convert (let's say 15km for example) and you f*cken google what it is in miles
WEBSITE: We use cookies to improve performance  ME: Same
It's not bragging when I tell you how  many miles I ran today... It's so you  don't judge when I devour a whole  box of Oreos in one sitting
Shout out to all the runners who wake  up tired AF and still go for the morning run without missing a beat.  You are my people.
No one:  Running: Have a stress fracture. You've earned it.
RUNNING OXYMORONS:  * easy five miles  * "only" a half marathon  * humble marathoner  * sanitary porta potty  * ten perfect toenails  * pre-run stretches  * fast recovery  YIKES!!
Never seen anyone cycling and smiling, so that's all I need to know about that.
My mom was wrong about "don't talk to strangers online" y'all cool asf
Ok, hear me out: an old-fashioned  candy necklace but with Tylenol and Ibuprofen
ULTRARUNNING. Because 26.2 is for  wimps. In real sports you go until your  organs start shutting down
For a generation that is hype on true  crime – y'all be sharing your running routes with f*cking everyone a lot
ROAD RUNNER                 Yasso 800's              ULTRARUNNER      Speed work,                I want 2 die         Taper, BQ
Me during a race:  I'm killing it.....I looove this feeling Sh*t this is hard... OMG i'm dying   When is it over? Actually dead  I love this song. F*ck this hill  I can't do this anymore.  Me at the finish line:  I f*cking loooove runni...
Be raw. Be open. Be f*cking real.  Because the last thing this world  needs is more fake ass shit.
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