
My brain: "Pass them " Me: "Why? " My brain: "You gotta "
All my childhood punishments have become my adulthood goals. Eating  healthy, waking up early, not  going out on weekends,  sleeping early... Weird.
If the refrigerator and television weren't so far apart, some of us  wouldn't get any walking  training at all!
Body:  sexy  Feet:  f*cked
Wait until we tell them we have to run back too!!
Do you know what I got for Christmas? Fat. I got fat.
Let's stop saying "pace doesn't matter" it does and that's okay
Relay Season!  It's all fun and games until your teammate gets lost and  runs to the wrong exchange.
Our AGE is no secret among RUNNERS!
RUNNING... Because where else can  you dress like this and be accepted  at our age?
No one: Me: God please let me find $80,000 on my run today
Runners be like - "Shin splints, black toe nails, foam rollers, OH MY! Where do I sign up?"
My brain cells, skin cells, and hair cells continue to die. But my stubborn fat cells seem to have eternal life
Running won't solve all your problems. But then again, neither will housework.
Runners be like... I have a better chance of winning the  Mega Millions than I do of running  a Boston qualifying time.
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