
After working all day in the office,  I sometimes need a bit of motivation.
You are a runner if your only recent photos of you alone are race photos!
I paused my Garmin to text you back don't ever question my loyalty
Skipping track workouts the way I skip youtube ads
As I was running a 5k, I heard someone clapping for me. Then i realized it was just  my thighs cheering me on!!
Looked at my stats from garmin  connect and closed my laptop.  I just want peace today
You automatically lose my respect if  you don't change your running form  (and pace!) when you see other  people running
My running style can be  described as  "seductively awkward".
Yes, I'm doing the 5k. And yes, I have on my hydration belt.
My sister FaceTimed me this morning  and I answered gasping for air and  obviously not looking the best and all  she did was start laughing very hard  at my face then goes "Ugh  thank you i needed that!"  then just hung up
Wherever you
Unexpected side effect of Taco Tuesday?  Wet fart Wednesday.
Rebecca,Michelle and Abbie at the Carlton challenge before they saw the hill.
Here we fucking go again.  I mean good morning.
Runner's logic: "I'm tired.  I think I'll go for a run."
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