
Nobody has seen you at your ugliest like your running friends have
Runners around the globe, rejoice
GPS Watch: Connected  Me: then fccking act like it
My superpower? I change from "pretty girl" to "hot, panting, smelly wad of hair and sweat" in under 30 minutes. Wanna see?
I don't always pay $120 for shoes.  But when I do, they're  for running.
My days are backwards. I wake up  tired and go to bed wide awake
I didn't choose running.  Running chose me.
Yes, your 'recovery meal' after a half-marathon lasts exactly 13.1 days  & includes all the foods you haven't eaten in so long you forgot how much  you missed them.
1 mile = 11O calories  1 Beer = 145 calories  Guess it's time to run  another marathon...
SEVERE COLD WEATHER WARNING  *** People are being told to stay inside unless going out is completely  *** Runners are being told  to wear a hat
At mile 20 I thought I was dead.  At mile 22 I wished I was dead.  At mile 24 I knew I was dead.  At mile 26.2 I realized I had  become too tough to kill.
GROUP RUNS... 5 minutes of friendly conversation followed by 1 hour of listening to lots of people breathing really hard.
It doesn't matter how slow you go... as long as you don't stop.
I'm dig'n the new upgrade on the Nike+ App. It pauses your run when you have  to stop to wait for traffic.   It would also be beneficial  if I were to pass out!
Sometimes there's no "support system" ... it's just you & your grind
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