New Featured eBibs

Cheap flights, work from home,  gas prices dropping y'all sure this  a crisis?
Not touching my face is going as well for me as not eating after 7 pm or  stretching after each run
Keep running. And make someone  smile every day. But never forget  that you are someone too.
These flight prices are wild, who  wanna go to Puerto Rico for a virtual  5k tomorrow?
Running makes you feel invincible.  Until that really fast lady pushing  a stroller passes you. On  the uphill.
What's with the obsession with calling food or recipes "better than sex"...  I tried your Pinterest risotto Sharon  and frankly I'm wondering  if your needs are  being met
Eye contact then that little smile
Nobody supports you like a social media running friend that you never met
My co-workers adding me on social  media: "ok so she's f*cking weird on  the internet too"
We all know that one runner that keeps getting faster and FASTER... it's me,  I'm that runner
Ultrarunners be like... "Feeling good might DNF later"
That mini heart attack you get when  you can't feel your car keys in your  pocket
When you survive another week of marathon training, eating healthy and having no social life
I find myself drawn to people who are funny, intelligent, and twisted.  Bonus points for working  some sexual innuendos  into the conversation
*gym workout* One thing about me is I stare back... f*ck is you looking at
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