
Am I the only one who measures time using songs? "Oh, it only took me  four songs to get here! That's not  too long!!"
What are your plans for the weekend? Answer:Oh, nothing much. Just relaxing. TRUTH: Running as many miles as my body will allow.
3 Cupcakes = 534 Cal = 5 miles.  I could give up cupcakes,  but I'm not a quitter.
Running is the most underrated form  of therapy
Friends don't let friends do long runs alone.
Thoughts on my run: It's a beautiful day for a run... This sucks... It's starting to feel far... Six minutes?!.. I must be 1/2 way by now... What?! Only two miles in?
I'm not addicted to running.. I can soon quit as soon as I finish one more race...
I ate healthy and exercised today.  I better wake up skinny.
Run like your phone is at 1%.
Quarantine and Chill?
Effort is attractive as fuck
OMG!!!  That wasn't a fart...
You might be a runner if... When people ask what happens if it rains during  a race, you smartly tell  them, "You get wet."
Worst response to I ran a marathon
I think it's weird how some days I feel skinny and some days  I feel like a busted can of biscuits.
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