
It's 2015 and food can still make you  fat....  ....Get it together Science!
A little discomfort can be a great  positive in you life. This month I'm challenging myself to get moving, to  get uncomfortable, for the betterment  of my life.
Don't let anyone bullshit you, running  a marathon is fucking hard
It's the start of the brand new day and I'm off like a herd of turtles. But I run!
Run like no one is watching.  Or dance. Whatever.
I named my dog 5Miles so I can tell people I walk 5Miles every day.
Chafing: Uniting runners around  the world since forever.
How do you know if someone is  a runner? You'll know because it's  all they talk about.
Go for a run.....Unfuck yourself! Be who  you were before all that stuff happened  that dimmed your fucking shine
I started my running program today  by shopping online for shoes...  Baby steps.
Race Day Volunteers Put Muscle In  Their Hustle!
"Don't stop...  People are watching!!"
Every box of raisins is  a tragic story of grapes  that could have been  wine.
When I was a kid, I wanted to be older. This sh!t was not what I expected.
If you are reading this........ you're not  running.... So please stop scrolling and fix your fucking posture you  look like a croissant
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