
convinced that buying a new pair of  nikes, in a new color, will  suddenly unlock my  untapped potential
Am I the only one who measures time using songs?  "Oh, it only took  me 4 songs to get here!  That's not too long!!"
Me: It's beautiful outside... 68 degrees and sunny.... Nothing can ruin this run My knee: Hey. Hey you fucking idiot
If I'm pausing my Garmin during a run just to reply to you...you won. Don't ever  question my loyalty
I wish everything was as easy as  getting fat
3 Cupcakes equal 534 Cal or 5 miles... I could give up cupcakes, but I'm not  a quitter
I'm sorry my posts on Facebook  remind you of how lazy you are.
Lord I'm not rushing you for my BQ...  I'm just asking for tracking #
The struggle lies not in running all   the miles, but in getting the damn  sports bra off
3 things runners think of at the finish line; don't cramp, what is my signature pose, and don't cramp.
There is no magic pill.  No special shake.  No secret diet.  Just get off your ass !!
I want new shoes, too. Why should  the kids going back to school have  all the fun!
You might be a runner if..... You hate when training runs don't end exactly on a whole number, but for some reason you have NO PROBLEM with  the numbers13.1 and 26.2
Everyone else on snow days:  Yay! No school!!!!   Runners on snow days:  Running is gonna suck!
I deserve pancakes and sex this  morning but the way my life set up  imma have to settle for 10 miles and  foam-rolling session
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