
Fitbit: Sore today, strong tomorrow Me: Nope, still sore
If you have an opinion about my cold weather running gear, please raise your hand. Now put it over your mouth
Every guys thinks every girl's dream is to find the perfect guy... Pshh, every girl's dream is to eat without  getting fat.
By a show of hands  Who doesn't give AF if nobody likes ur running posts
If you see me running around the block with a race bib pinned on my shirt,  mind your own business
I feel like I'm getting ruder by the day but I can't even help it I'm just  getting sick and tired of  humans in general
A road never seems hilly until you decide to run up it.
3 Cupcakes = 534 Cal = 5 miles  I could give up cupcakes,  but I'm not a quitter.
Finding a  missing running sock feels like Christmas morning !!
Does anyone remember that time when  your body just worked? Like just on its  own? No pills, no scheduled exercise,  no caffeine, no planned hydration,  no stretching, no specific diet  you just woke up and boom,  that shit was good to go...
*day 3 without RUNNING* Cashier: Have a nice day Me: Don't worry bout me Hoe
You might be a runner if you're too cool to dress up for Halloween, but  spend most weekends in costume  for a themed race.
Wherever you
Long runs are a great way to justify  binge eating after long runs
Friendly reminder: getting in shape is hard, being in shape is awesome.  Commit to it.
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