
The tree in 20 feet or the port-a-potty in over a mile?
You know who NEVER says "running is really hard on your joints"?  People who actually run.
The worst part about running a 5K... is losing to somebody who is clearly  not prepared for it.
Marathon Thoughts:  I'm going to die. But if I don't,  I totally want to do this again.
Some days even my lucky rocket ship underpants won't help.
Tired of my fitness posts? Just block everything health and fitness related... You know like in your real life.
The hardest part about making a budget  is being honest about how much you  spend on running.
Up before dawn.   Run multiple miles. In sub-zero temps. Do it again tomorrow. Because....
Was that one of those color runs?  The one question you don't want to hear after training and completing a marathon!
Why does it take two weeks to take off three pounds  and only two days to  gain 'em back?
Make time for friends who make  you better.
People who eat loads of food and never gain weight, I hate you.
Can you come pick me up? Where  am I? Well I was on a runner's high  and I think I am in Ohio.
Scientific research suggests that  runners lose both their sense of personal space and smell after completing a race.
My legs are giving me the silent  treatment today.
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