I think that sometimes we only talk about the good parts of running, as if there weren’t any bad parts. Running sucks. It does. It makes your legs hurt, your lungs hurt, and just about every other part of your body.

Your body basically feels like a moving bucket of ouch. You can’t breathe, you sweat in your eyes, you smell gross, and you can’t hang out with your friends because you spend 99.9% of your free time running. Just running. 

Some days when you do intervals, you want to cry. You want to lay on your back in the middle of the track and scream at the sky because it’s been forever since your times improved and you literally in that moment, want nothing more than to improve. 

But something keeps you on your feet, and you hobble over to the water station and when your coach tells you to, you get your ass back on the line and you f@^ing run your heart out. But that is what running is. 

You hate it, you despise it, but it’s become a part of you. No matter how much it hurts and drives you to the ends of hell and back, you would never let it go. 

You need it, when you don’t run you feel lost and confused. It makes you cry it makes you angry, but it makes you, you. Because it is who you are.

[From runawaytorender.tumblr.com]
I think that sometimes we only talk about the good parts of running, as if there weren’t any bad parts. Running sucks. It does. It makes your legs hurt, your lungs hurt, and just about every other part of your body. Your body basically feels like a moving bucket of ouch. You can’t breathe, you sweat in your eyes, you smell gross, and you can’t hang out with your friends because you spend 99.9% of your free time running. Just running. Some days when you do intervals, you want to cry. You want to lay on your back in the middle of the track and scream at the sky because it’s been forever since your times improved and you literally in that moment, want nothing more than to improve. But something keeps you on your feet, and you hobble over to the water station and when your coach tells you to, you get your ass back on the line and you f@^ing run your heart out. But that is what running is. You hate it, you despise it, but it’s become a part of you. No matter how much it hurts and drives you to the ends of hell and back, you would never let it go. You need it, when you don’t run you feel lost and confused. It makes you cry it makes you angry, but it makes you, you. Because it is who you are. [From runawaytorender.tumblr.com]

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