Rock Your Marathon Race Day Tips
Rock Your Marathon Race Day Tips

Marathon Race Day Tips

You have put in the hard work and now it’s time for the big day. Marathon race day preparation can be tough to get right. Here are a few practical things to consider that will help you perform your best when running your next marathon.

  1. Rest your legs the day before. Take it easy on your legs and mind, and give your body a chance to relax before the big day.
  2. Eat and drink what you practiced during training. Have your usual breakfast and 16 oz. of fluids 2 hours prior to the race start. This will allow your body to process the meal before the race begins.
  3. Wear the proper gear. Be sure to check the weather forecast and dress appropriately. Race day isn’t for experiments, so wear your tried and trusted gear.
  4. Get there early. Arrive to the starting area at least 1.5 hours before the race begins. This lessens the stress if there is traffic or you get lost.
  5. Warm up before the race. Get to the race early enough to have time for a quick warm-up and do some dynamic stretches. This will help bring blood to the muscles that will help carry you across the finish line.
  6. Have a race strategy. It is very easy to get caught up in the excitement of the start and burn yourself out for the finish. Control your pace and take it out slowly. The faster you go out than expected race pace, the slower you will be running at the end. Don’t let your excitement get the best of you on race day.
  7. Break the race into small chunks. It can be overwhelming to think about running 26.2 miles so it can be helpful to mentally divide up the course in sections: run to the next mile marker, the next water stop, the next neighborhood etc. This can make the distance less daunting and can help take the pressure off.
  8. Relax. Do a check-in every now and then during the race and ask yourself how are you doing and how do you feel. Make an effort to relax your hands, shoulders, and your breathing. This will help you stay relaxed and running easier.
  9. Stay positive. Remind yourself that you have trained hard and prepared for the race. When negative thoughts pop up shift your focus to something positive. Develop your own mantra such as “one foot in front of another”, “just keep moving”, or “I’m happy, healthy and light on my feet”. Mantras can really help you get through the tough parts of a race.
  10. Enjoy the experience and have fun! Enjoy yourself and smile as you cross the finish line! Relish in your accomplishment and congratulate yourself.
Yes, I run. 

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