Get Started: 5 Tips for Beginner Runners
Get Started: 5 Tips for Beginner Runners

I have been running since the Reagan administration, so it is no surprise that people often ask me for tips on getting started.  I love running and I am proud to say that my enthusiasm has turned some friends and colleagues from “never” to “forever” with running.

Here are some tried and true tips for getting started:

  1. Get motivated. Stop saying that you are “not a runner.” Anyone can be a runner, so once you decide that you want to be, declare yourself a runner. You don’t have to shout it from the rooftops, or to tell anyone at all, but you have to own it. And then, fake it until you make it.
  2. Consult a professional – or two! I am not suggesting that you need a coach. First, check with your doctor by getting a physical to be sure that you are physically able to start running. Next, go directly to your local running store to get help finding the right shoes for you. I am all for a bargain, but getting the right shoes for your form and feet can make or break a runner. You can also find great gear and get help with clothing choices while you are there. (Women, get a sports bra recommendation when you are there, too!)
  3. Start slow and with a plan. If you’ve never run before, try the Couch to 5K plan for a great slow ramp, walk-run plan that works. There is even an app for it! If you have run before, consult Runner’s World or Cool Running for a beginner plan for whatever distance you are hoping to tackle. Don’t try to do too much, too fast as that can lead to injuries. If the program you pick seems too easy, give it a few weeks and then build up your distance and running time by about 10% or 20% each week.
  4. Find a friend. Getting into the running habit takes time and it is much easier to keep at it if you have a partner waiting for you. It also can be more fun and you are more likely to keep at it if it is fun. If you can’t convince any of your friends or family members to get moving with you, check with your local running store or running clubs in your area to see if they have a beginner running group.
  5. Set a goal. Start small – run a mile without stopping, participate in a 5K by mid-October, run a 10K or a half marathon. Whatever it is, be realistic about the time it will take to build up to it and set mini goals along the way.

Running can be a challenge at the beginning, but like many healthy habits, it is worth the effort. Mark the one year anniversary of the day you start on your calendar and look back at how far you have come. And celebrate with a new pair of running shoes, a race registration or a piece of gear you have been coveting.

Happy running!!

Posted with Permission from Erica Finds

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