The Cold, Dark Run
The Cold, Dark Run

Running in the sun with your friends by your side, a slight breeze at your back, surrounded by beauty, and feeling unstoppable are moments we welcome—sweet and pleasurable. Surely, we’ve all experienced such breathtaking occasions. But there are other periods in a runner’s training as well.

This time of year in the Intermountain West it’s more common for a runner to be out there alone in the cold and dark. Shorter daylight hours, long work days, and below freezing temperatures limit options to run in more hospitable conditions.

If a runner wants to achieve their goals, they must go out alone into the cold and dark, make friends with their solitude, and embrace the quiet sound of their own labored breathing.

Like the winter season in a runner’s training regimen, we all go through times of isolation, with limited options. As runners, we too must push through the dark and cold if we are to realize the beauty and fullness of being that only comes through consistent and steady effort.

Ultimately, the key may be in embracing struggle as it comes and welcoming the embryo of strength such exertions create. After all, it is out there on our cold, dark runs that we discover ourselves and make running in the sun even more brilliant.

Seen a lot of slim chicks posting their

workouts on here so I thought I'd join 

the fun
Warning : I will bully every one of you

into daily stretches, plyo drills, crazy 

intervals, lifting heavy weights and 

epic long runs
104 °F.....  As my Grandma says, 

"Marathon training ain't for p*ssies."

Crazy old lady is right.

New Featured eBibs

Seen a lot of slim chicks posting their workouts on here so I thought I'd join  the fun
Warning : I will bully every one of you into daily stretches, plyo drills, crazy  intervals, lifting heavy weights and  epic long runs
104 °F.....  As my Grandma says,  "Marathon training ain't for p*ssies."  Crazy old lady is right.
Learn to push through pain. Cause it  will hurt, and hurt, and hurt, and then one day... BOOM !!! Stress fracture.  Then you rest
5:00AM  The hour when legends are either  waking up or going to sleep
BOSS: "Hey, can you hop on Zoom  real quick?"   ME:
Having a job is cool and all but  every day???? It's really starting to  mess with my training schedule
If you went on vacation and didn't  bring home a medal, did you even go  on vacation?
Yes, I run.  I run a million miles away from my responsibilities
I took the road less traveled… Now I don’t know where in the hell I am
The first 26 miles of the marathon are always the hardest
Two incomes are better than one, make sure your partner has two jobs
Runners after the worst day they have ever experienced
What a fucking privilege to wake up  and be able to choose how many miles  I'm going to run today
Stop trying to be 'runfluencers'. We need ELECTRICIANS.
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