Single Mom Running
Single Mom Running

When you set out to train for a race, it can be a huge time commitment. Depending on your base and your distance goal, a good training plan can potentially be 4-6 months and require running or cross training 3-5 days a week. Some days might also require you to be gone on your run for long hours at a time. It can take you away from your family, and when you do get home, you’re exhausted for the rest of the day. What is the impact this commitment can have on a significant other and your children? What if you are a single parent? How do you do it?

I am that parent. I am a single mom of two kids. I work full time (and then some) and I am currently working on getting my masters degree. Add to that training for long distance races and it’s a miracle I survive each week. It is not easy by any means, but I have the drive it takes to make it work. I carefully plan ahead with my school assignments so I am not scrambling at the last minute. I do get the occasional kid free weekend, but sometimes I am stuck on the treadmill at the gym. Many times I need to find a babysitter in order to get my miles in. I am also very fortunate to have my parents nearby to help me. I know not everyone has that, but I am thankful for it.

I cannot slack at my job or my school, since my livelihood depends on it. Does my sleep suffer? Yes, sometimes. Does my social life suffer? Yes, but most of my friends are runners too, so running together is our fun. Does my ability to have a dating life suffer? Yes, but who cares. Do my children suffer? I hope not, only because I do my best to meet their needs and they are fully aware that mom needs to run. With an insanely full plate in front of me every day, it is not easy. However, this is my life. Even when it is hard, I love it and I hope that my children can see their mom overcoming challenges and sticking to her goals. Perhaps my determination will rub off on them. If I can do it, so can you.

Happy Trails!

Yes, I run. 

I run a million miles away from my

I took the road less traveled…

Now I don’t know where in the hell I am
The first 26 miles of the marathon are

always the hardest

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