8 Foods To Boost Your Metabolism
8 Foods To Boost Your Metabolism

Your metabolism is partly ruled by genetics, but you can rev it up naturally by eating the right foods. When you eat these foods as part of a healthy diet and combine them with a regular exercise routine, they can help you reach your weight loss goals and you’ll also be lighter and faster for your next race. The faster your metabolism, the more calories you’ll burn off, making the occasional post-run pancakes less of a big deal. Here are 8 foods that will help speed up your metabolism:

  1. Spices. Spicy foods have natural chemicals that can kick your metabolism into a higher gear. The next time your making a plain chicken breast, add a few dashes of cayenne pepper. The heat from the pepper will add a fiery kick and provide a metabolic (and flavor!) boost.

  2. Broccoli. Broccoli is packed with calcium and Vitamin C. These two vitamins work together to help you burn calories faster and more effectively. Calcium activates your metabolism, and Vitamin C helps you absorb more calcium. Try steaming or roasting broccoli for your next side dish.

  3. Caffeine. The caffeinated beverage is not only a savior when it comes to feeling energized for your morning workout, but it can also rev up your metabolism. A cup of coffee is absorbed into the blood stream very quickly, speeding up your heart rate and will provide an easy metabolic boost.

  4. Protein. Your body burns more calories digesting protein than it does eating carbohydrates or fat. Replacing some carbs with lean protein can boost metabolism and help you feel fuller longer. Good sources of protein include chicken, turkey, fish, lean beef, tofu, nuts, beans, and eggs.

  5. Grapefruit. Not only does it have antioxidants, but grapefruit lowers insulin levels and helps burns extra calories while your body breaks down the fiber. Add a half a grapefruit to your breakfast to kick-start your calorie burn for the day.

  6. Whole Grains. Whole grains like oats, barley and quinoa help you eat less while also supporting your metabolism. The high levels of fiber in whole grains take longer to break down as compared to processed carbs, helping you feel fuller longer by slowing blood sugar release, and steadying insulin levels.

  7. Spinach. Spinach is high in Vitamin B, which not only boosts your metabolism but also increases muscle function to help you during your next workout. Try it wilted with some lemon and salt.

  8. Green Tea. The caffeine found in green tea accelerates your heart rate and speeds up your metabolism. Green tea also contains a chemical known as EGCG that stimulates the nervous system and helps you to burn calories at a faster rate. 

Remember, the best way to boost your metabolism is to combine these foods as part of a healthy diet with regular exercise. Happy eating!

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