Therapist: and what do we do 

when we feel sad?

Me: buy running shoes

Therapist: no
eBib text : Therapist: and what do we do when we feel sad? Me: buy running shoes Therapist: no

Funny eBibs

It's weird to think people who are 5ft are only 5 subways long
Everything you ever wanted to know  about yourself, you can learn in  26.2 miles
You won't get far in this sport if you  only run on the days you feel good.
Does anyone else feels like the first  20 min of your runs suck then you feel like you could run forever?
Trainer: what are your goals?  Me: to pet all the dogs Trainer: no, fitness goals Me: to be able to run fast enough  to pet all the dogs
The smartest guys know you'll get hella  replies on a selfie so they keep quiet  and wait till you post a pic of ur salad  or something to slide in talkin about   "what kind of dressing is that?"       cause they know aint no one  else go...
Sorry to interrupt your scrolling,  but did you run today? be honest...
A 12 min mile is JUST AS FAR as  a 6 min mile. Fuck everyone who makes  you feel like you're not good enough
Tag a person you want to thank  for tolerating you
Rule 1: FUCK WHAT THEY THINK Rule 2: see rule 1
At my age, I can send a text at 8:32 and be asleep at 8:32:19
you can't control how much people  hate you, but you can control how many medals you have compared to them
"Suck it, Ted Lasso, RUNNING is life!"     –Sir Mo Farah
if I get back into running it's over. i don't know what's over, but something is
Jenna: “It’s not a costume runner’s aim,  but I imagine it’s disheartening for a  normal runner to lose to a pizza slice  or a stack of pancakes.”
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