Therapist: and what do we do 

when we feel sad?

Me: buy running shoes

Therapist: no
eBib text : Therapist: and what do we do when we feel sad? Me: buy running shoes Therapist: no

Funny eBibs

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TAPER WEEK.   I'm either annoyed or annoying.. There's no in-between.
By replacing your morning coffee with green tea, you can lose up to  87% of what little joy you still have left  in your life
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I have blisters on both feet, I might  have a stress fracture on my left foot, and my legs are so sore it hurts to walk. But I got a shiny medal saying 'finisher' which is nice
I learn best by jumping into  the unknown.      –Jesse Itzler
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Me before running: ..No  Me during running: ...whyyy  Me after running: ..whhyyyyy  Me the next day: ...whhyyyy  Me to anyone that asks  about running: "it's the  best part of my day, you  feel so great and refreshed  and you should t...
You might be a runner if.... you hate  when training runs don't end exactly on a whole number, but for some reason  you have NO PROBLEM with the numbers13.1and 26.2
A lifestyle change begins with a vision and a single step.
So running naked apparently means no music, no watch, no GPS, no electronics period. That would have been nice to know an hour ago.
""It could be drugs," I whisper to myself  as I buy another pair of running shoes  on an extremely tight budget. "At least it's not drugs.""
I skip instagram stories too fast and I end up voting on things by accident so  I'm sorry if I said your dog was ugly
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