When I open the door, step out into the fresh morning air, and stretch, the thoughts that earlier weighed me down seem left behind. It's just me, God, and the pavement. I begin to run, and every breath rejuvenates as I press on. Hearing the rhythm of my feet and the steadiness of my breath renews my energy. The sun paints the sky, and as the rays reach the trees, the earth seems to catch fire from the beams. Creation begins to sing, and the branches seem to reach even higher toward the heavens in praise to the Creator. [Dana Niesluchowski]
When I open the door, step out into the fresh morning air, and stretch, the thoughts that earlier weighed me down seem left behind. It's just me, God, and the pavement. I begin to run, and every breath rejuvenates as I press on. Hearing the rhythm of my feet and the steadiness of my breath renews my energy. The sun paints the sky, and as the rays reach the trees, the earth seems to catch fire from the beams. Creation begins to sing, and the branches seem to reach even higher toward the heavens in praise to the Creator. [Dana Niesluchowski]

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Runners just do it..
There is no "y" in running...
Running is like mouthwash...
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Anything is possible..
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Run when you can...