The Place For Community
The Place For Community

Most running takes place not in a vacuum, but within an identifiable community. Sure, at first glance running may appear to be one of the most individualized participation sports out there. But no race takes place without a community of other runners with whom we can test and measure our performance.

And that’s not the only way a running community can help us achieve our goals.

One of the more subtle ways has to do with motivation. Of course, if one asks any runner why he runs there are a variety of answers he may get, but the drive of an upcoming race or the commitment to a daily running partner cannot be ignored. My involvement with running clubs has gotten me out of bed at five on countless Saturday mornings largely because I committed to be there with my friends and peers. The expectations of members in a shared community can be a powerful motivator as well as a source of great support during difficult times.

A running community can also provide some of the most meaningful celebratory congratulations a runner can receive because other runners know exactly the kinds of challenges and difficulties that led up to the accomplishment. Whether a 5k or a marathon, every runner knows that just competing and finishing takes hours of training and sweat. This shared acknowledgement seems to be the driving force behind the most common words between runners on a race course: “Good job!” I recently reached a long sought after goal of running a marathon in under three hours. My running friends emailed and called to express their heartfelt congratulations on reaching this milestone. Whereas when I shared the news with a brother (a non-runner) he simply asked, “Is that fast?”

Being able to pool from other runner’s training and injury experiences is yet another benefit of belonging to a running community. When our club gets together each week, we have the opportunity to talk and discuss our successes and challenges. Unfortunately, various forms of overuse injuries often come up. Fortunately, our group is large enough and diverse enough that someone’s either had firsthand experience with the problem or is aware of some simple strategy to help alleviate the issue.  

Lastly, because being a runner is part of our identity, when we come upon other runners there is an immediate sense of belonging that occurs. I have never felt more at home and like I was with my own people than when standing among a crowd of runners at the start of a race. We each strive for excellence; as members of a shared community we increase our likelihood of achieving it.


Yes, I run. 

I run a million miles away from my

I took the road less traveled…

Now I don’t know where in the hell I am
The first 26 miles of the marathon are

always the hardest

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